Saturday, March 28, 2009


Riding the pony at Meijer! It says 1 cent, but it took 5 pennies to get this thing to move!
We took Adrianna on a date to see Beauty and the Beast, at Zeeland High School. She loved the play. She kept wanting to hug Belle. We let her pick where she wanted to eat, she picked pizza hut. It was a great time. While walking out of the high school, she annonces quite loudly "I smell horse poop" I just about lost it laughing so hard at her, Zeeland High School is right by some farms and the smell can get pretty strong.. Now how did this little city girl know what horse poop smelled like?

We had to take Eliza by herself a few days later, she kept wanting to go with me everytime I saw her. It was the first time we had her by herself overnight. What a sweetie she is. We went to Uncle Andrew's and Auntie Erika's for dinner, and watched a movie and went to McDonalds for ice cream. When she woke up in the morning, she came into my room and went around to the other side of the bed and crawled in. I pretended like I didn't see her and she sat and stared at me, then in that sweet little voice, said, "grandma, I'm hungry" It doesn't get much better than that!

We can't keep Caleb yet.. for obvious reasons... but I am looking forward to having him overnight someday.

Colin and his family joined us for Calebs baby dedication then we went out to eat. It's always fun to have him over. The last time Steve took him to home depot and he made a "craft". He just loves to hang out with us and play cars, or cook with the play dishes, or go with papa wherever he has to go. I miss seeing him more, but am thankful for the days he gets to spend here.

Time seems to be moving slowly, yet at a fast pace. Anyone experience that? At my age, there seems to be a lot of time to do things, but this old body does not move like it used to so things take longer. I am suffering again with another sinus/cold, it just never ends for me. So, I really don't feel like doing anything either so that makes time go slowly.
But then I look at one of the kids, and see how fast time is going. Steve and I would like to just stay right here, at this time in our lives, but let the kids keep growing so we can experience life with them for as long as we can.
So, I have been doing that, enjoying each one of my precious kids and grandkids, and doing some sewing thanks to a borrowed sewing machine from Deb. Thanks Deb!
Enjoy the spring weather.. and soon to be summer and the birth of yet another precious grandchild!

1 comment:

BeckyG. said...

Finally an update!:) I'm glad that the kids always have fun at your house! Thank you for investing your time into them and loving them! Great pictures!