Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Letting go...

It's too late to post pictures tonight, so I'll just type a few thoughts before going to bed.
Today we spent the day with Keith, Jen and Colin. What a fun time we had just watching Colin play and interact with us. He is growing so much lately and learning so many new things. Steve took the day off so we could spend the time there while Keith and Jen went to the doctor for an ultra sound.
We picked Colin up at his school. Wow, he looked so big walking out and was holding a little girls hand. I think they must have a buddy system or something because he looked like such a little man walking down the hall. When he spotted us, a big smile came across his face and then when he got closer to us he ran to us and hugged us.
Steve spent the day playing cars, painting a little in Colins new room, searching for bugs outside for the bug container I bought him... sorry Jen I know you hate bugs. but every little boy needs bugs... and they went for a bike ride. We watched a movie together, and I got covered up with Colins blanket so I would be warm. This evening, I was asking Colin about his new room and said I could come spend the night sometime. He thought I meant tonight so he said come on grandma lets go to bed, you can sleep in your clothes. I thought he was just wanting to pretend, but when we got into his room, he went through his whole bedtime routine with me, and even got his own pjs on and cleaned up his toys. We turned Veggie Tales on and he sang throught the entire CD, I was loving it. I said shall we get up now, and he said, no, it's a long time till morning, then grandma can make me my malt to meal for breakfast. Oh boy, I had to explain to him that we had to go home to our house, and he said, grandma lives a long way from my house and he hugged my neck and played with the back of my hair and started to cry. I had tears in my eyes to, how do you leave after that?
I could have stayed there forever.... (oh dont' worry Keith, I would have left eventually! ha ha Finally we mangaed to break away, with him watching out the window.
I got thinking on the way home how hard it is to let go. And how life does bring us disapointments along the way. But how blessed we are to see the ones we love when we get the opportunity! And I felt so loved by this precious little guy!
Off to bed for me.. a contented peaceful and somewhat empty feeling!
Oh yeah!!!!!! I could never forget the joy on everyones faces when the ultra sound showed a baby girl!!! Praise God! Jen and I went shopping for something "pink".. Fun!

1 comment:

BeckyG. said...

It seems like we have to let go a little bit each day don't we! It is hard I know!